About Us
Founded by a group of local businessmen almost three decades ago at the Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast, the San Joaquin County Leadership Prayer Breakfast would later change its focus to include and serve all of San Joaquin County. Modeled after the National Prayer Breakfast, our breakfast has been blessed with thoughtful speakers that have challenged and uplifted attendees. These have included College Football Hall of Fame Coach Tom Osborne, Best-Selling Author Ken Blanchard, Businessman-Entrepreneur Dick DeVos, Presidential Counselor Rev. Samuel Rodriguez and NFL Hall of Famer Ronnie Lott.
The board members of the San Joaquin County Leadership Prayer Breakfast are a diverse, evangelical group of volunteers who believe God is the only answer to the challenges we face as a community and as a nation. As a marketplace ministry, we are passionate about our faith, dedicated to promoting public virtue and presenting the “Good News” to the leaders of San Joaquin County. We know if we do our part, God will do His.
It is our prayer that this event and the messages delivered by our speakers, ordinary men and women who serve an extra-ordinary God, be received as a clarion call to reaffirm your faith in the overcoming power of Christ in all aspects of our lives, to serve as a reminder of the blessings HE has bestowed on ourselves, our families, and on this Great Nation. It is through this event and the spirit in which it was conceived that we would endeavor to inspire other communities to seek God’s wisdom and direction for their future as well.